Christmas (wine) book

Christmas (wine) book

Every issue of WINELIFE features a selection of the latest books on wine and cuisine.

Christmas (wine) book

Niels van Laatum calls himself a 'copywriter and wine lover with a heart for nature' - in his book Natural wine: A clear story about cloudy wine those loves come together.

Natural wine is a wine that deserves attention, extra attention. More and more people are discovering this special wine, made by adding as little as possible and letting nature take its course as much as possible. Honest, living wine. This tastefully written and easy-to-read book explains once and for all what natural wine is. How it is made, where and by whom. What is different and special about it. But also: what the pitfalls are, the trends and the future prospects. Includes useful addresses and a glossary of terms. In short, a clear story about (often) murky wine.

Natural wine: nice to get, nice to drink at Christmas... Cheers!

Niels van Laatum | Natural Wine: A clear story about cloudy wine | Trichis | ISBN: 9789492881564 | € 22.99

More about Natural wine you will read in the upcoming WINELIFE 74.

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