Culinary star deal from dusk till dawn

Culinary star deal from dusk till dawn

How do you get through those dull winter months now that the holidays are over again? Right, by seeking cosiness indoors. Whether at home or elsewhere, it doesn't matter. As long as you can eat well with a good glass of wine. For instance, have you always wanted to eat at a real Michelin restaurant, but you don't like formal and posh? Then an outing at de Kromme Dissel is a must.
Text: Petri Houweling Image: RWPhotoandwine, de Kromme Dissel

Even though the Michelin star has shone continuously on the façade of this restaurant for 53! years, things are casual and cosy at this stellar restaurant. The service is at a high level, you are served at your beck and call without feeling uncomfortable. It has been personally tested by us, so believe us when we say the atmosphere, food and wine there is great.

We paid particular attention to the wine-food combinations created by chef Tonny Berentsen and maître sommelier Ronnie Brouwer. Each course is a surprise combined with a nice mix of international and special wines. Also consider drinks such as sherry and sake.

The only downside of such a sumptuous six-course dinner with matching wines is that transport home is tricky. You really can't get back in the car. But the Kromme Dissel has thought of something for that. Since recently, in fact, you can stay overnight there. After dinner, you swap the tablecloth for the soft sheets in one of the luxurious suites.

Sake with dessert.

In the morning, the party continues as a fantastic five-course breakfast awaits you. Readers of WINELIFE also get a glass of Champagne in their room on arrival as an extra. And all that for a very reasonable price. So what are you waiting for, register via for a great culinary pampering experience.

When booking, do mention that you discovered this through WINELIFE.


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