'Wil is a cook from a picture book, the embodiment of bonhomie and generosity,' is written about him. We couldn't put it better ourselves. Wil Demandt was behind the stove at his restaurant Bordewijk on Amsterdam's Noordermarkt for 33 years. In 2018, he closed the doors, much to the chagrin of many. But now there is that thick book with recipes and wisdom from the chef. Here's what Wil Demandt writes: - TEXT, RECEPTES AND WISE SUGGESTIONS WIL DEMANDT | PHOTOGRAPHY ANNEMARIJNE BAX
About cooking and Always Sunday
'Man has been cooking for centuries. Eating together is an event surrounded by more or less fixed rituals. This applies to a state banquet, but also to an intimate dinner or a breakfast on the river. Cooking is about love and attention to your ingredients, but most of all about being together; it gives food a festive touch. That's where Always Sunday about. My good friend Michael once said to me: 'You know what it's always like with your food? That's like when I have friends over for dinner on Sunday and I try really hard... And even better!''
'Behold the approach of my book: cook like it's always Sunday! You will see that effort, attention and a little obsession will get you started in this wonderful world. The fun comes as you go.
About wine
The world of wine with its associated jargon is, for most people, an area surrounded with mysteries and vague terms. But don't be put off. Wine, like the gastronomy it is part of, is broad and rich in aroma, texture and flavour.
Curious about the whole article? Read it in WINELIFE 75. You can order it here here!
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